The right way to breathe

Hey! Jogging is easy!

Take the next sentence to heart, commit it to memory, and you'll have one less
stumbling block to worry about.
The test of whether you're breathing correctly when
you run is whether you have enough breathleft to talk.What you and a marathon runner
have in common is the seemingly mind-boggling but in fact perfectly natural ability to talk
while running. Of course marathon runners, with their extreme stamina, can run faster
and longer than you. But the only reason for this is the many years of constant training
behind them. Their organisms havegeared themselves to these long distances. But a
marathon runner is not a special, superhuman kind of being, and if he can't talk while
running, he's doing something wrong, just as a novice who can no longer talk after the
first few steps is doing something wrong. Both are running too fast for their performance
level. As a result, neither will reach their goal.

If there is a universal law of running, it is this: anyone who becomes short of
breath on a long-distance run has forgotten that there's no running at all
without breath.
It can't be stressed loudly and clearly enough: make sure from the
It's a simple affair. You inhale (o-o-h!) and then you exhale (a-a-h!), slowly, evenly,
quietly. I beg and beseech you, on bended knee if you wish, for this is the point at
which 99 percent of all those who failed have faltered: the whole secret of running
is to breathe slowly.

As long as you keep those oohs and aahs in an even, flowing rhythm you are
running correctly. Your breathing should be relaxed, like a broad river ambling
toward the sea.
If the river turns into white-water rapids you are running far, far too fast.
Slow down, even if you have to run at a snail's pace. Don't make the typical beginner's
error and try to imitate experienced runners. You can't. Just why you can't is simple to
explain, so simple in fact that it's constantly overlooked. That's all I'll say about it now; stay
tuned for more details. So, what's the golden rule of good running? Oohs and aahs, slow,
quiet, and steady. Run slowly, very slowly, if need be. And with that, you're ready for the
next stage.

Next Chapter 2.2. How does your heart adapt?

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